The Art of Corporate Behavior: Creating Authentic Corporate Culture

Corporate Behavior: The DNA of your company

Welcome to a fascinating exploration of the world of Corporate Behavior! 

In this blog post, we will dive deep into the basics of this exciting topic that goes far beyond superficial behavior. 

As an essential component of corporate identity, Corporate Behaviour shapes the soul of your business and influences your relationship with employees, customers and the community. 

Join us on this journey to learn how to build a strong brand identity and achieve sustainable success through targeted behavior.

Corporate Behavior is the behavior of a company - not only towards customers and business partners
but also within the organization itself. This behavior shapes the culture of your company and the way it is perceived by the outside world.

What counts in Corporate Behaviour?

Successful corporate behavior touches many facets of your business:

a. Dress code and appearance: How does your company present itself to the outside world? Uniformity in appearance conveys professionalism and brand strength.

b. Rituals and procedures: Joint meetings or celebrations can strengthen team spirit and promote a positive working atmosphere.

c. Appreciation and performance evaluation: Clear opportunities for advancement and recognition motivate employees and increase loyalty to the company.

d. Working atmosphere and conditions: Satisfied employees contribute to productivity. A pleasant working environment can increase motivation.

e. Interaction with business partners: Courtesy and respect in the business world leave a lasting impression.

f. Commitment to social projects or environmental protection: Your company's stance on social issues can foster strong brand loyalty.

g. Customer relations and dealing with criticism: Open communication and the professional handling of customer feedback are crucial.

Practical example: Authenticity at Patagonia

An outstanding example of successful corporate behavior is the company Patagonia. This outdoor brand is not only committed to designing high-quality products but also to a deeper purpose: environmental protection and social responsibility. Patagonia's commitment to sustainability goes far beyond superficial marketing. It permeates the entire corporate culture and is an essential component of their success.

<a href="">Image by vectorpocket</a> on Freepik
Why is Patagonia's corporate behavior a good example?

a. Authenticity: Patagonia stands by its values and acts on them. Their commitment to environmental protection is deeply rooted and is not just used for image building.

b. Consistency: The message of sustainability is not only communicated externally but also lived internally.

c. Long-term: These values are not a short-term strategy, but a long-term commitment that has shaped the brand.

Internal Corporate Behavior at Patagonia

Within their own ranks, Patagonia fosters a culture of sustainability and engagement. They offer their employees generous opportunities for social projects and environmental actions. In addition, the company structure is characterized by flat hierarchies, open communication and a strong sense of community. This culture not only creates satisfaction among employees but also a coherent identity that is conveyed to the outside world.

External Corporate Behavior at Patagonia

Externally, Patagonia is known for its radical environmental advocacy.
They invest
a portion of their sales in environmental projects and use their outreach to create awareness about environmental issues.

A notable example is the "Don't Buy This Jacket" campaign, which calls for conscious consumption and environmental protection. This combination of product-level and social commitment underscores the authenticity of their brand.

In a nutshell: 

Patagonia demonstrates that corporate behavior is not just a facade, but the heart of a brand. By implementing their values in all aspects of their business, they have not only gained loyal customers but also initiated a movement for sustainable business. This example illustrates how profound and impactful corporate behavior can be when implemented consistently and sincerely. 

Want to know more about how to communicate your brand message?  We'll take a deeper look at Corporate Communication and reveal how you can target your brand message in this article.

Look forward to more illuminating insights and helpful tips!


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